THREE QUESTIONS THAT LEAD TO LOVE / 초면에 발생한 분쟁을 조정하는 세 가지 질문

Narrative Short Film, 15min
Narrative Short Film, 15min
이른 새벽, 사람이 없는 운동장에서 각자의 볼일을 보고 있던 ‘박책상’ 과 ‘조의자’. 초면의 두 사람은 서로의 행동에 불쾌감을 느끼고 언쟁을 벌이게 된다. 두 사람의 싸움은 커져 ‘초면분쟁조정위원회’에 회부가 되고, 두 사람의 싸움을 조정시키기 위해 세 가지 질문이 주어진다.
Early in the morning, 'Park Chaek-sang' and 'Jo Eui-ja' get into an argument in the public park. The two strangers get upset at each other's behavior and the argument gets into a bigger fight. By an anonymous reporter, they get called to the 'Mediation Committee for Strangers' to enter a conflict resolution program. Three questions are given to them to understand each other.
2023 제28회 부산국제영화제 와이드앵글 한국단편경쟁
(28th Busan International Film Festival - Wide Angle Korean Short Film Competition_
Early in the morning, 'Park Chaek-sang' and 'Jo Eui-ja' get into an argument in the public park. The two strangers get upset at each other's behavior and the argument gets into a bigger fight. By an anonymous reporter, they get called to the 'Mediation Committee for Strangers' to enter a conflict resolution program. Three questions are given to them to understand each other.
2023 제28회 부산국제영화제 와이드앵글 한국단편경쟁
(28th Busan International Film Festival - Wide Angle Korean Short Film Competition_